The Experienced Legal Judgment
You Want In Difficult Injury Cases
When it comes to brain injuries, spinal injuries and dram shop cases, Annette Griggs and her legal team at the Griggs Injury Law firm each have over 20 years of experience to fight for their clients in a personal, professional manner.
What is Considered Nursing Home Negligence?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that any action or inaction that fails to adequately meet the basic needs of an elderly resident of a nursing home will rise to the level of elder neglect. If you discover or suspect that your elderly loved one...
Can You Really Afford a Personal Injury Attorney?
If you suffered injuries and losses related to a car accident, you may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you need to provide to the insurance company, how you will repay your medical bills, and how to move forward regarding the property damage, lost wages,...
Motorcycle Accident FAQ
If you suffered injuries or losses as a result of a motorcycle accident, you may have many questions and feel overwhelmed trying to make the best legal decisions. While every motorcycle accident will have a different set of facts and circumstances, the following may...
Medical Malpractice and Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy is a medical injury suffered by an infant before, during, or after the birthing process. In many cases, birth asphyxia and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) result in infants receiving the diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Unfortunately, the brain damage...
What Are Hospital-Acquired Conditions?
People go to the hospital in order to have surgery or to receive treatment for an acute medical condition. The expectation is that you will feel better after leaving the hospital. However, in some cases, a patient may develop a Hospital-Acquired Condition, which is an...