The Experienced Legal Judgment
You Want In Difficult Injury Cases
When it comes to brain injuries, spinal injuries and dram shop cases, Annette Griggs and her legal team at the Griggs Injury Law firm each have over 20 years of experience to fight for their clients in a personal, professional manner.
Driving Under the Influence – Marijuana Impaired Driving
While the use of marijuana has become legal in multiple states across the country, it is important for drivers to realize that it is illegal in every state to drive while under its influence. Proponents of the claimed benefits of medical cannabis have pushed many...
TBIs and Sleep Disorders
If you suffered a blow to your head during a car crash or slip and fall accident, you may have sustained something called a traumatic brain injury (TBI). It is common in car wrecks for someone to sustain a Traumatic Brain Injury if they hit their head against a...
Crushed Pelvis, Femur Fracture, and Hip Injuries Caused by Automobile Wrecks
While many car crashes result in only minor soft-tissue injuries, often, an automobile wreck leads to more serious injury – the kind of catastrophe that can cause months or even years of recovery and rehabilitation. Crushed pelvis, femur fracture, and hip injuries are...
Who Is Liable For Dangerous Dog Attacks In Missouri?
Missouri law dictates that a dog owner is liable for any resulting injuries when their dog bites another person so long as the injured person was on public property or legally on private property and the injured person did not provoke the dog prior to the attack....
Distracted Driving and Cell Phone Use
Statistic are clear that distracted driving is dangerous. Any activity that takes your focus away from the road while driving is, by its very definition, distracted driving. This may be caused by talking on the phone, using a navigation system, texting, fiddling with...