The Experienced Legal Judgment
You Want In Difficult Injury Cases
When it comes to brain injuries, spinal injuries and dram shop cases, Annette Griggs and her legal team at the Griggs Injury Law firm each have over 20 years of experience to fight for their clients in a personal, professional manner.
Legal Issues for Victims of Traumatic Brain Injuries in Missouri
I. What is a TBI? A blow to the head or severe injury that results in damage to the brain is commonly called a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). TBIs can result in bruised brain tissue, bleeding inside the brain, lacerations of the brain, and nerve damage due...
Wrongful Death and Who May be Entitled to Collect Compensation
As Kansas City wrongful death attorneys, we realize that many people are unclear as to what exactly it means, what types of cases fall into this category of law, and who is entitled to collect compensation. To put it simply, a wrongful death occurs when someone dies...
Bad Faith Insurance Claims and Vexatious Refusal to Pay
There are two types of claims commonly associated with improper tactics of insurance companies: third party bad faith insurance cases and first party vexatious refusal to pay cases. BAD FAITH CLAIMS: One type of claim against and insurance company is brought about...