Protecting your teen from a car accident is paramount on any parent’s mind. The last statistic you want to hear is that every day six teenagers die due to car accidents, and hundreds more are injured. However, knowing how to handle the car accident your teen may be...
According to research published by the Insurance Information Institute, over half of car accidents that involve fatalities from 2003 to 2007 involved some form of aggressive driving or excessive negligence. Making sure that you remain vigilant on the roadways and...
If you suffered injuries as a passenger in a car accident, you may wonder what your legal rights are. You also may have questions about how you receive compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. As a passenger in a car accident, you have...
The statistics are harrowing. Over 6.2 million car accidents were officially reported to law enforcement in 2016 and as a result, 2.4 million people suffered injuries, and 37,000 people suffered fatalities. Approximately 100 people die in car accidents every day,...
If you suffered serious injuries in a car accident, you likely are unable to return to work due to your injuries, leaving you without a paycheck for possibly a considerable amount of time. Often times the lost income can amount to a substantial sum and may also...